RE: Free Will

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 11:30:24 MDT

>From: "Cameron Reilly" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: Free Will
>Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:49:43 +1000
>Clint with all due respect, I suggest that your analysis here is quite
>fuzzy. You use a term like "you create control" as if the "you" actually
>exists empirically. What is this "you" and its "emotion" if not thought?
>you separate thought from neurons? Where does the "you" and the "emotion"
>reside? Can you have either without the brain? I'm still looking forward to
>your email which explains how you do all of these things that you claim.

'You' or 'I' is thought. Thought does come from neurons. But it is the way
neurons work together that create thought. It is not enough to just have
neurons. That's like saying all life is is just molecules, when actually
its the way molecules interact that result in life. If this is what you
meant in you last post then I'm in agreement with you, up till the point
when you claim no control.

Emotion is a concept I still haven't figured out how it works. But I know
it plays are part in choice (logic gate computer style or random if not in
any way free choice) because people will come up with two different
solutions to the same problem during different emotional states.

Now, to change your thinking you must have some desire to do so. What would
give someone a desire to change anything or not change anything?
One may say to not do so may be illogical, but why do we care whether its
logical or not? So we may survive? Why do we care if we survive?
It's programmed in our genes. Are they sure? If so how exactly does that
work chemically? So emotion gives us desire.

Now that we have a desire to change the programming, how do we do it?
So far I can see how all this is just responses and doesn't require any
interference from a non responsive source. Choice...What do we choose to
change? That can be responses to what is desired given from emotion linked
with associated thought that is assumed to bring a desired output.

Then we carry out the decided action. When change a situation you take
control of that situation. When we change are programming we take control
of that programming, even if we are using the programming to change the
programming. We are still taking control. Now that we have control along
with desire we make a free choice of what to chose next because "we
recognize" we have control and we have desire.

As far as how I do what I claim to do, will have to wait longer.
I'm sorry but these past couple of weeks have not given me much time to do
anything. Today I had an exam in my logic class. Tomorrow I have an exam
in both biology and college algebra (which I definitely need to study). On
top of that there are english papers I had to write and a research paper for
biology due tomorrow.

When I get more time I will sit down and write down my actual exercises.

-Clint O'Dell

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