Re: Waco: Govt Set Fire

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Sep 11 1999 - 21:47:41 MDT

At 10:00 AM 9/11/99 -0700, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

>> Ian Goddard wrote:
>> > If the evidence shows Govt agents acting
>> > in an organized/planned fashion, firing
>> > guns into a building filled with people,
>> > I can't think of any more appropriate
>> > conclusion to draw than that the Govt
>> > acted with intent to commit mass murder.
>> Ian I wonder how long before one of the ATF agents
>> breaks ranks and publishes a tell-all?
>Spike points out the fundamental problem with
>a conspiracy theory. You have to guarantee that
>nobody will *ever* decide they made a mistake
>and talk about it. You could never guarantee
>that with the number of agents that were involved
>at Waco.

  IAN: You could guarantee that destroying
  the building and killing witnesses will
  destroy the evidence of the aerial attack
  on the first day and silence witnesses.

  Your theory is a speculative psychological
  assessment about what people would do for
  various reasons. Psychology and reasons are
  infinitely variable, only physics is perfectly
  reliable. Physical facts tell us that there
  is gunfire at the Mt Carmel Center, that
  the tanks created a fire trap, that they
  pumped potentially flammable agents in, that
  pyrotechnics devices were found in the same
  area the building was, not just away from it
  (which you don't hear on TV), that a pyro-
  like hot-spot appears on a wall just above
  where a tank suddenly departed, and that the
  gunmen work in conjunction with the tanks in
  an organized fashion, to name a few things.

  Of course I'm just saying things you have not
  yourself taken the time to study. It would be
  good to rent "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"
  from Blockbuster or Tower Video. BTW, it
  just won the Emmy Award for investigative
  journalism, stated last night on Dateline.
  It had won other awards and been nominated
  for the Oscar Award and an Emmy previously
  (here's it's home page:


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