Re: Views on the moller skycar???

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 22:04:33 MDT

One big flaw I see with it is the noise level produced.. you likely
will never be able to flit around town in one, much less have one
landed at your house in the burbs. It will only be from airport to
airport transport unless something changes.

john grigg wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I listened to an Art Bell show several months ago where Dr. Moller spoke
> about his skycar. He answered to my total satisfaction every question put
> to him regarding his craft. Whether the concerns were about the computer
> that flew it, aerodynamics, air safety, cost or insurance rates he seemed to
> have everything in hand.
> I wonder what list members think of his skycar? Is it really everything he
> makes it out to be? He even admits that the one million dollar price tag
> would only go down if it could be mass-produced. But then in a decade or
> less the price would be in the realm of a mid-priced automobile!
> I'm hoping to be jetting around in my own moller skycar in about fifteen
> years time! I hope it is not too good to be true.
> Sincerely,
> John Grigg
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"A man makes a picture/A moving picture/Through light projected/He can
 see himself up close/*Gotta meet her there*/A man captures colour/
 *She's your destination*/A man likes to stare/*There's no sleeping
 there*/He turns his money into light/*She's imagination*/To look for
 her/She is the dreamer/She's imagination" -U2, Lemon

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