Mike Perry's work on self-improving AI

From: hal@finney.org
Date: Sun Sep 05 1999 - 00:50:58 MDT

There was a fascinating article by Mike Perry in the recent issue
of Alcor's newsletter, Cryonics, regarding his 1984 PhD work on
self-improving AI. This is a topic which Eliezer and others have
suggested as a pathway to the Singularity. Mike saw his work in the
same context, although the term was not in use then. It was his hope
that self-improving AI could increase its intelligence exponentially and
thereby change the world utterly. Mike said that he later learned that
Marvin Minsky had expressed the same vision as early as the 1960s.

As Mike described it, he wanted to create an AI program which could
operate on itself. The flavor of AI he chose was incremental improvement.
The program was able to work on an abstract system for which it had tools
to modify it in various ways, and some way of measuring whether the
modification improved things. The AI program used various heuristics
to select the modifications to try (perhaps based on which other ones
had been successful in the past, for example).

The idea, then, was to have two instances of the AI program, which we
might call the doctor and the patient (Mike didn't use these terms).
Initially both the doctor and the patient were created the same, based
on some seed code Mike wrote. The doctor would twiddle with the patient
and then test its "IQ".

The testing would be done by letting the patient work on some problem;
one example Mike gives is the travelling salesman problem. The
patient would use its (twiddled) heuristics to try to optimize the
problem it was given, in some fixed amount of time, and how well it
did was then a measure of the patient's intelligence. This IQ rating
was used by the doctor to judge what to twiddle with next.

After some time running in this mode, the doctor would then be overwritten
by a copy of the (improved) patient. The theory was that if the doctor
had in fact improved the performance of the patient, then when the doctor
was given those same improvements, it could do an even better job of
improving the patient. If it all worked, an exponentially increasing
positive feedback loop would be created, and before long you'd have a
program with superhuman abilities at problem solving.

However, this did not happen. In practice what happened is that the
patient got improved and copied to the doctor. Then the improved doctor
might be able to make a few more improvements to the patient, and these
would get copied. But then the process would stop. The new and improved
doctor could not find any other improvements it could make to the patient.
After two or three iterations the process would hit a limit.

Now, obviously we cannot generalize from this and conclude that the whole
concept of self-improvement is flawed. This program had only a limited
repertoire of behavioral tricks up its sleeve, and there was a limit to
how much it could be changed in practice. The initial seed was quite
stupid, by Mike's own design, and it could be that a much smarter initial
starting point is needed to have any hope of an exponential takeoff.

Nevertheless I think the general quality of the failure is instructive,
and can apply in principle to the more ambitious programs for self
improving AI. I see two aspects to the failure.

First, the problem can be seen as a matter of getting stuck on a local
optimum. This is a general problem for optimization programs, whether
AI based or otherwise. You find a solution and begin improving it,
and eventually you get to the best possible version of that solution.
But you are limited in your ability to hop over into an entirely
different part of the solution space, and it may be that with the
tools you have at your disposal (heuristics, etc.) the best you can do
in that regard just isn't good enough.

It is relatively easy to recognize local optima when the programs
involved have sub-human intelligence, as with Mike's programs. We see
them pathetically wiggling around in the tiny corner of the search
space available to them, oblivious to the many strategies which would
surely lead to new possibilities.

However it is hard to recognize local optima when the intelligence
involved is equal to or greater than our own. How can we come up with a
solution which is beyond the range of human intelligence and creativity
to conceive of? Are there even such things, or do we see the entirety
of the solution space? I think it is quite likely that we are, in the
grand scheme of things, just as limited as Mike's little Lisp programs.
Like them, we can't see beyond what we can see.

Given this perspective, it would appear to be difficult to ensure that
a self-improving AI would be able to avoid local optima, and continue
to improve itself. It requires certain assumptions about the shape of
the solution space, such that any AI at a given local optimum will be
smart enough to see how to jump over to another region which won't keep
it trapped in this part of the solution space. I don't know how we can
evaluate the possibility of getting trapped in this way.

The second lesson from this failure has to do with the cost of incremental
improvements to a program. In physics we study systems with various
degrees of amplification, which we call gain. A system with gain of 1
has output changes as large as input changes. With gain greater than 1,
the output is larger than the input, so we have amplification. With gain
less than 1 the output is smaller than the input.

Something similar can be defined for the self-improving program.
One way to think of Mike's program's failure is that as the program got
smarter, it got more complicated. With each incremental improvement,
it was smarter at what it did, but at the same time it was faced with
a program (itself) that was harder to understand. We could imagine an
"intelligence gain" factor defined as how much smarter it was, divided
by how much more complicated it was.

In order to have effective, exponential intelligence amplification, you
need this intelligence gain to be greater than 1. If the only way to
make a system X percent smarter is to make it 2X percent more complicated,
you have a gain of .5 and your self-improver isn't going to get very far.
The problem is getting harder faster than the program is getting smarter.

If you have gain > 1, then maybe you can make the program 50% smarter
but only 25% more complicated. Then you are in good shape for positive
feedback. Each incremental step puts you in position to take an even
bigger step next time.

Further, there is no reason to expect that the intelligence gain would
remain constant at each step, for a program which starts with sub-human
intelligence and eventually grows "as far above humans as we are above
bacteria". If at any point in that progression the program runs into a
regime where intelligence gains are running substantially less than 1,
it has a problem. It won't be able to make it through that barrier, or
if it can, progress will be slow and tedious, not a Singularity-producing

Despite the failure of his efforts, Mike was able to get a PhD out of
the research, and he self-published copies of his thesis. Anyone who
wants to pursue this approach might consider contacting Mike and getting
copies of the thesis or perhaps of the code itself. He has contact info
at http://www.alcor.org/meet_the_staff.html#perry. Mike concluded his
article by indicating that he hopes to resume work on his program now
that so much more powerful computers are available. Maybe giving his
little optimizers a million times more computing power will be all that
is needed to bootstrap into superhuman AI.


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