Re: Why Libertarianism is mistaken

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 11:06:09 MDT

I'm told that outside of a distinct amount of tree-hugger and
seal-kisser attitudes among the population, its a pretty nice country.
The isolation I'm sure helps. I'm also looking at some other places like
the Seychelles, Belize, and I'm sure once the volcano calms down,
Montserrat will be seriously in favor of engendering a positive business
climate so they can rebuild...

Spike Jones wrote:

> Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> > To my knowledge there has NEVER been a
> > libertarian government since before our Civil War...
> Mike, I was told that New Zealand was tending toward
> a libertarian and sensible government. One of my oldest
> and best friends is seriously considering moving there.
> What is the deal there, do you know? spike

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