Re: Deep Blue - white paper

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 06:04:11 MDT

Regarding the "retirement" of Deep Blue, I believe I've seen
a news piece that one of the primary machine architects
has gone off to do a startup building a chess machine
for public consumption based on the concepts. If someone
wants to sift through the news archives using the names
of primary authors I bet they could find a bit more.

I doubt IBM would be afraid of Apple defeating Deep Blue.
IBM has the most advanced manufacturing technology of
anyone and unless Apple were to come up with some really
clever software, IBM would always be able to build
the most advanced hardware.

With regard to chess, I'll put my bets on the
"throw weight" of the machine.

Regarding, the Godel Escher Bach discussion, I agree
that Hofstadter is writing too long ago. Moravec understands
this much better than Hofstadter (perhaps because he is
writing 11 years later in Mind Children or 20 years later in Robot).

Moravec, I believe does discuss Deep Blue in Robot.
Some of the book is online at:


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