RE: -H RE: Present dangers to transhumanism

From: Jonathan Reeves (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 05:11:34 MDT

Clint O'Dell writes:

I know where you are comming from and I agree that there should be a
philosophy of "being". But it is more important for me at this present time

to make sure that I'll survive. After I've achieved immortality (putting
aside getting hit by a super nova, etc.) than I can work on those ideas. Of

course if you want to come up with some a reason for being I'm all ears. I
just love life!

Now, leaving aside the technical details of whether it is really
feasible, let us *assume* that survival is guaranteed. It does seem
like that is a distinct possibility (ignoring the probabilities).
So lets say we are surviving in whatever enhanced form and perfect
environment we have choosen.

Who says that survival is guaranteed ?
Taking it as an assumption for your argument is pointless because survival
will NEVER be guaranteed.

This is why I am interested in transhumanism - because I want to survive
whatever comes my way.
I want to evolve into something that is capable of protecting itself should
some other SI/alien race come along and decide to turn my little planet into
mass for it's dyson sphere (for example).

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