Re: Deep Blue - white paper

From: Arona Ndiaye (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 01:16:13 MDT

Greetings to each and everyone,

<<But in the end it was simply brute force that
crushed Kasparov>>

nope, it was a mistake.. Garry 'just relaxed' at the wrong moment. It's happened
to _any good_ chess player.
You know this opening 'inside/out', you're excited... you make a mistake...

With all due respect: a machine will never be 'better' than a human chess
player. It's not just about winning it. It's about enjoying it...

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> on 02/09/99 04:13:32

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Arona Ndiaye/Amsterdam/Stream)
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Subject: Re: Deep Blue - white paper

Deep Blue involved some innovations with respect to the shape of the
search tree - the ability to project some single lines 60 moves into the
future, for example. But in the end it was simply brute force that
crushed Kasparov. Deep Blue's feat cannot be compared to cognition; it
was an autonomic process that happened to play chess.

           Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Running on BeOS           Typing in Dvorak          Programming with Patterns
Voting for Libertarians   Heading for Singularity   There Is A Better Way

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