Re: Deep Blue - white paper

From: Arona Ndiaye (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 01:07:03 MDT

I read a nice article on it at the newscientist website. If you do a search, I
believe you should find it easily.

Kind regards,

"Cameron Reilly" <> on 02/09/99 02:46:44

Please respond to

To: "Extropians mailing list" <>
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Subject: Deep Blue - white paper

I've been re-reading Hofstadter's rationale for why computers had not (at
the time of writing GEB) been able to surpass a chess grandmaster. He
specifically refers to the ability of chess grandmasters to view the board
positions in "chunks", compared to the computer's ability to "see further
ahead", and the superiority of the former. And I got to thinking, what did
the Deep Blue dev team do differently that allowed it to beat Kasparov? Did
it merely crunch the numbers harder than its predecessors?

I've been to IBM's site but all of the information seems pretty lightweight.
Does anyone know of a source for a deeper explanation of the Deep Blue

Cameron Reilly

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