RE: Creating a thought

From: Cameron Reilly (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 16:55:09 MDT

This is all very interesting but I still don't understand how you "take
credit" for the thought process. Your description sounds to me like
machinery, very deterministic. "The brain does this, then the logic gate
does that, etc". How is it that you claim to be in full control of this
process (ie free will) and not come to the conclusion that this entire
process is dictated 100% by neuronal structure?

You still haven't explained to my satisfaction "how" you deliberately create
a thought. Do you say to yourself "OK brain, create a thought about ice
cream."? And if you do this, did you first have to say to yourself "OK
brain, create a thought about thinking a thought about ice cream."?? And
before this can happen, surely you have to say to yourself "OK brain, I want
you to create a thought about thinking a thought about thinking a thought
about ice cream."???

If that isn't the process, what is? Where does the ice cream thought come
from? How do you initiate it?

You describe below the unconscious part of the process, but where is your
description of the conscious part of the process?

Or is it possible that thoughts just appear in our awareness spontaneously?
Is a thought similar in nature to an event procedure, created when something
in the environment (internal or external, including another thought)
triggers a response?

Cameron Reilly

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Clint O'Dell
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 8:40 AM
Subject: Creating a thought

Clint wrote:
>Thoughts are both conscious and unconscious processes. Because the brain
always matching memory patterns, and since memory is distributed throughout
the brain, and one part of it being echoic memory (where thoughts are
comprehended as language) then obviously you can't have complete control
there. Thoughts will just pop in your head as parts of memory are read and


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