RE: Creating a thought

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 18:59:08 MDT

Sorry, I havn't finished it yet. When I'm writing this stuff I'm sitting
here for hours rethinking it all. Trying to remember what I've thought
about before.

You realy do control thoughts. There must be some sort of motor function
that can push thoughts. This would be controlled the same way other motor
functions are controlled. At will, or to take your point of view, on
request I can completely clear my mind of all thoughts. Granted it takes
several minutes to get there and it only lasts for a few minutes but I do
stop thoughts from comming. I also make thoughts come. I can even decide
which path I chose to bring up which memories I want. I can remember to the
age of 1! Its amasing. I've been tested several times and my tests show
that I do have a supior memory. Maybe that is why its so easy for me to
control my thoughts. What I would like to do is hook my self up to a
machine and go through my thought exercises and record everything that
happens. Then I can learn more about how I do this. I'm sure that I've
figured it out once before (philosophicaly). I do know that its related to
a motor function of some sort. I also know that self recognition creates
another emergent property and that it relates to free will. Details,
details. Give me till Sunday again so I can think more on this. It may
just turn out that you are right and I've tricked myself into believing I
control my thoughts.

What are your experiences? Is this something you work on as a profession or
are you a hobiest like myself?

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