RE: Libertarianism and State based order

From: Michael A Johnson (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 08:40:52 MDT

Craig Presson, I think, respectfully missed my point. First, I am not
advocating a state based political order with the phrase "rigorous politcal
theory." Second, I realize that many on the list already agree with the
premises of libertarian theory. My hope is that we can as Extropians begin
to find ways to rationally argue against state structure. We must do this,
however, utilizing the thought patterns of statists. Situated in Academia
as I am, I would be grateful for a list of good reads that agrue against
state structure, not just expouse the virtues of a free society. I am
familiar with Robert Nozick, F.A. Hayek, Although I have not read Friedman's
"The Machinery of Freedom," I will look into it-- and any other books you
think I should read please e-mail, thanks.

Any academics or those who have withered their way through graduate
programs, I would grateful for advice on how to incorporate Extropian ideas
into my work without projecting myself as a wackjob. Regretfully,
anarcho-capatalist; libertarian; and classical liberal theory are not
mainstream thought in the ivory tower. I would like to incorporate
Extropian ideas while not damaging my career prospects.
Michael A. Johnson
Graduate Student--Political Science
Arizona State University


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