understanding neuroscience

From: Clint O'Dell (clintodell@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 18:58:33 MDT

Robert Bradbury Wrote:
>I would argue, that you may have a poor understanding of >neuroscience.
>I very much doubt that you have lost any of the programming that was
>done to you as a child. You may have frosted over the cake or
>buried the ideas away in the back of your mind, or logically
>constructed a system more workable for you. But I would give
>better than even odds that a blow to your head of sufficient
>magnitude and you would forget all of that and you would be back
>where you were before you constructed a new reality on top of
>your old reality.

>Anders may want to comment further on this. My basic position
>is that connections formed in early childhood are very difficult
>to rid yourself of.

It is true that memories and their associations from a very young age are
deeply rooted and would require a lot of reassociations but its not
impossible. If I would get a blow to the head now I doubt I would resort to
the thinking process I had when I was 9. Instead what would happen is that
I couldn't perform as well as I use too because some function(s) may be

This overlap reality you talk about can't exist. Or if it can please
explain to me how. For my model says that memories connect with other
memories. An over lapping model would have a set of memories at one layer
and another set of memories at another layer and would connect by vary few

Because new associations are made and stregnthened every time that part of
memory is referenced it makes it more likely for that out part of memory to
be referenced within a time frame. To reprogram yourself all you have to do
is remember your associations-physical memories, ideas, thoughts, reflexes,
etc..., and then bring up other memories-physical, ideas, thoughts,
reflexes, etc...associate those with the other memories in a way that would
give a desired output.
Of course this takes a lot of planning. You decide what you want to be
like, compare 'you' now with the future 'you' and viola, new associations.
You do this over and over again with many different patterns of association
and what will happen is that there will be more stronger links to each part
of the memories that you excersice.
My unfinished post last Sunday on "Creating a Thought" explains this.

I may be only 20 years old and a freshman at a community college but I do
understand the concepts of neuroscience.

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