The Physics of Star Trek

Date: Sun Aug 29 1999 - 17:28:09 MDT

In a message dated 8/29/99 7:02:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I believe one of the books about the Physics of Star Trek
 (or something similar) points out that classic "transporters"
 are difficult or impossible due to the information and
 energy requirements. You definitely have a *real* problem
 without a receiver at the destination. >>

Yes indeed the book is called "The Physics of Star Trek" and it has a
companion, "The Metaphysics of Star Trek"

On the subject of the transporter, it is indeed possible, and, even more
remarkable, being done often, albeit on a small scale. Photons have been
destructured and restructured meters away. And if photons are, then they must
have substance. And if matter can be moved, the large matter may be as well.

While unmentioned, the subject of warp speed (faster-then-light travel) is
seriously being studied, most notably by the esteemed Dr. Stephen Hawking.
The whole premise relies on the collision of matter and antimatter (in itself
being produced often enough to bear mention), the energy released by the
collision producing the fantastic power required for such speeds. While in
the relativistic universe, such speeds are, at best, impossible. But such is
the beauty of the warp field. The field alters a small portion of space that
travels with the dual-nacelled starship, circumventing inertial and
relativistic effects that would make such travel impossible.

While visiting the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1992, Stephen
Hawking passed the engine room set, looked at the Warp Engine, smiled, the
said, "I'm working on that."


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