Re: High IQ?

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Sat Aug 14 1999 - 13:01:28 MDT

About The damn thing seems to go up only to 167. Imagine my surprise
when I score thirty points lower than I normally do. Kidding. But I wonder why a
company that clearly wants to get customers by flattering them (the 15 point
inflation) would have such a limit? Anyone able to get higher than 167? (I tried
varying a few answers that weren't obvious. Didn't improve the score. And
exactly one minute seems to be the smallest amount of time they recognize as the
time taken to complete the test.)

Personally, I think there's a significant risk in thinking of oneself in terms
of potential, and not actuality. It can lead to a permanent adolescence, a
permanent "dilettante-ism." ("But being a dilettante is just one of many things
I do!")


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