Re: "Post-humanism": The right term?

From: Stan Kretler (
Date: Sat Aug 14 1999 - 00:10:00 MDT

"Technotranscendence" <> wrote:
> Why not have a raging debate for the next decade over what to call it?

You tell me.

> Why bother with making it happen?

*Make* it happen? ! It's going to happen no matter what we do. The key
is preparing for it, and taking advantage of it.


> Anyway, with that off my chest, I propose this term: we-hate-academics-ism.:)

Goodness! Well, we academics certainly don't hate you! (I suppose a
few might, those who don't like that their salaries aren't as high as
those of people in science departments.....)

> But, for the record, I'll stick with posthumanism and transhumanism. I
> don't mind some confusion or shock value.

Shock value? The only one who would find the terms shocking are those
who have missed around 100 years of intellectual history. Go to a card
catalogue and search for "post*".

As for confusion, I'm not sure I see its value. But .....

> and the confusion gives me a chance to open up a discussion with the
> confused.

In the case at hand, that might entail talking with yourself :-).
Seriously, you seem somewhat hostile about discussion on this particular
matter, actually.

But if you are confused, I'm happy to open up a discussion with you.


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