Re: singularity and exi-GIMPS team

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1999 - 09:41:06 MDT

Brian Atkins wrote:

> I would be very interested in having access to "our own"
> distributed network. I could see using it for possibly
> rendering scenes from Extropian/>H art projects....

Ja, me too. I was *partially* successful in transferring my
account to extropians: I got the spike66 GIMPS account
to link to the extropy home page. If you go to the GIMPS
top producers list and look at rank ~754, you will find
the link, but for some reason it didnt change the name to
extropians. I need to figure out why that happened.

At this point the GIMPS is a transition phase, to build
infrastructure until we figure out how to distribute >H
computing... spike

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