For all of you who attended the Conference

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Aug 09 1999 - 16:27:01 MDT

Hello everyone,

I wish I had been to Extro 4 but could not make it. And so I was thrilled
to hear Spike Jones say that he was going to convert his collection of taped
lectures into text for those who could not attend. I just hope that all of
you with taped lectures will help in this so those who did not attend will
get to know what they missed.

I also hope that those of you that took photographs will post them on your
homepages so we can get a better idea of what happened. At the standard
gaming and fantasy cons that is standard practice. Of course I doubt there
were any people costumed as Klingons or Vulcans there!

Was there any planning sessions in terms of advancing cryonics forward in
terms of advertising or fund-raising? Did the meeting spoken of on the
digest ever take place?

Please share with the non-attendees on the extropians digest what your
impressions were of the Extro and what was the most educational and the most
fun. Please give us a feel for it!

Sincerely planning to attend next year no matter what,

John Grigg

P.S. Max and Natasha please make those extropian cable shows available to
all of us in one format or another!! I realize you are very busy people but
we would all appreciate it so much.

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