Re: What cryonics need is a billionaire patron

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 12:30:44 MDT

If a fraction of the costs shelled out for PR had gone into research
instead we would have high-quality brain vitrification by now.

Products first, marketing later.

As to the "missing billionaires" problem, it is real. Wealthy people,
with a few laudable exceptions, are remarkably relunctant when it
comes to investments in radical life extension.

Alex Future Bokov writes:

> I agree with Waldemar about commercial viability and professionalism.
> However, a few million bucks might help bridge the gap to profitability.
> Those among us who are good with PR/fundraising might consider doing more
> outreach to potential investors/benefactors... this guy and others.
> Perhaps we should pencil in an informal meeting on this topic in Berkeley
> at the end of the week...

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