Re: What cryonics need is a billionaire patron

From: Alex Future Bokov (
Date: Mon Aug 02 1999 - 11:18:08 MDT


I agree with Waldemar about commercial viability and professionalism.
However, a few million bucks might help bridge the gap to profitability.
Those among us who are good with PR/fundraising might consider doing more
outreach to potential investors/benefactors... this guy and others.
Perhaps we should pencil in an informal meeting on this topic in Berkeley
at the end of the week...

On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Waldemar Ingdahl wrote:

> >Does the cryonics/extropians movement even really need his money? Is the
> >movement basically self-sufficient at this point? What would be on a
> >cryonics leader's "wish-list" that Robert Bigelow could provide?? Research
> >dollars are the first thing that come to mind and debt payment the second.
> >But then which cryonics firm would he ally with or would he help all the
> >major ones out?
> >
> >With his interest and financial power just think what could be
> >accomplished!!! Let us think positively on this matter ladies and
> >gentleman.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >John Grigg
> I often hear the exclamation "oh why isn't there a generous texan oil
> billionaire that could give us some money". I don't think that is a viable
> strategy to develop any technology or good. The billionaire simply provides
> to little money. What cryonics needs is to get commercialy viable, then it
> can use the full advantage of a market economy. Unfortunately, cryonics
> companies have to get a lot more professional in their marketing and
> customer service, and they have to show clearer product value (I think they
> still are relying too much on "nanotech Santa Claus"). Then they will
> receive the capital to expand. Depending on good hearted patrons is not a
> good alternative.

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