Re: POLI: Encouraging Tax Evasion

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 10:03:27 MDT

The Baileys <> wrote:

> I hate to rain on your plan but U.S. taxpayers (if that is what you are)
> are taxed on their worldwide income. Moving servers, intangibles, and
> even business offshore only makes sense if your repatriation is nil or
> you're avoiding nexus issues.

We're moving into an era where money can be backed by military force
rather than gold reserves.

The U.S. Treasury just *PRINTED* an extra $200 Billion in cash in
case there's a currency shortage due to Y2K bugs. Why don't they use
that currency to pay for Defense Spending and U.N. Debt? I doubt
there will be inflation with all the price wars going on here on the
internet and on web-based e-commerce driven electronic storefronts.

They have the printing presses, spy satellites, cruise missiles, and
directed energy weapons (both nonlethal and destructive).

So, if they came right out and said, "Ken's right. We don't need
your money- keep it." there would be outcries of coup d'état from the
veterans and nontechnologists. It seems like the people in power
(behind the scenes) are actually quite libertarian and decentralists,
enthusiastic about completely private e-commerce. But when it comes
to publicly acknowledging the end of federal taxation: they evade the
issue and return to emotions of national pride and loyalty.

It seems like the only way to really get this done is large scale
civil disobedience in a nonchalant manner, with an attitude that the
system is in a transition state, and we're still civil and orderly.

For example, use a large international body with no formal government
ties ( create all the electronic
infrastructure needed for international e-commerce that's completely
outside of government juristiction. It would be a pro-social pro-
environmental (cashless) economy.

I'm a layperson, obviously simple-minded on this matter. But tacit
acknowledgement of common sense economic and civil liberties seems to
be the most sensible migration path out of this bureacratic hell of
complexity piled on top of complexity.

Incidentally, what if the Defense Department (or NATO, or ex-Warsaw
Pact) Technologists had all the resources in place to track every
living human on the planet simultaneously. Instead of carrying a
walet, the citizens x,y,z coordinates could become their account i.d.
 The wealth would never leave the person, so to speak. What do you


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