How to spot a crackpot (was Planetary SETI)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 09:26:12 MDT

This post provides a very instructive lesson on the rhetorical
tools used by nonsense-peddlers:

> The processed images of the Face have produced a wealth of evidence
> consistent with artificiality, though the controversy is far from over.

"Consistent with" is a great weasel phrase. All the "wealth of evidence"
(by which he means 3 pictures) is also "consistent with" the fact that
it's just a bleeping rock. Suggesting that there is a controversy when
there really isn't one also helps; there's only a controversy because
a few hard-headed idiots won't face the facts.

> Members of SPSR (Scientists for the Study of Planetary SETI Research) are

Creating serious-sounding organizations makes your press releases sound
more credible without having to have any actual credibility.

> asking for high-resolution views of a specific, architectural-looking feature
> known as the "Fort," which, because of its morphology, should do much to
> illuminate whether or not we're dealing with artificial structures. The July

Pointing to future tests/research plants the suggestion in the reader's
mind that such will be favorable to the speaker's point of view, even if
that's very unlikely. Also note the overuse of technical-sounding words
like "morphology" where "shape" would be simpler and more direct. This
also makes a speaker sound more educated to the masses.

> 8 photo was very close, taking a close-up of the "Main Pyramid" formation
> instead (next to which is a crater with probable water ice).
> I think we'd be well-served if Malin Space Science Systems (NASA/JPL's space
> camera contracter) got some encouraging email from interested groups who
> _aren't_ bogged down in conspiracy theory. This is not "The X-Files," but a
> very touchy and completely falsifiable hypothesis which needs further
> exploration.

"This is not the X-Files"; "This isn't about sex"; "This money-making
system is completely legal"; "This is not spam". Direct denial of the
obvious is cheap and surprisingly effective.

> I recommend the websites of Dr. Mark Carlotto
> ( and Dr. Stanley McDaniel
> ( for background information.

Nothing like a paid-for PhD to make people take you seriously.
Most serious scientists don't bother with titles; when was the
last time you saw "Dr. Einstein" or "Dr. Feinmann"? (He even
titled his own book "Surely You're Joking, /Mr./ Feinmann.")
They've /earned/ their credibility, so they have no need to
remind anyone that they jumped through some university hoops.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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