Re: Everyday Risks to life

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Fri Jun 11 1999 - 16:14:52 MDT

Al Villalobos <> writes:

> Can someone enlighten me about the risks to everyday life?

I don't have any mortality tables around, but what to look for is the
number of deaths per year and per 100,000 (or so) people. That can
give you an estimate of the risks.

> Isnt it true that the longer you live, even activities with very low risks
> become more likely? (lightning strike, airline crash etc..)

No. The risk of being struck by lightening is likely constant unless
you change the amount of time spent outdoors. What happens is that
there is a finite (very low) risk all the time of dying, which means
that an initial population of people slowly dwindles - but the
half-life (time until 50% are gone) is likely on the order of a few

> How would I determine which is the more dangerous and by how much?
> I dont want my immortality spoiled by a drunk driver or something!

Sounds like a case for cryonics; so far we do not have any other
backup possibility. Of course, some simple precautions might decrease
many risks.

> man, if I only had a few hundred extra brains..... oh wait, I do! extropians
> are cool!

You're right, this list can indeed be used as a kind of intelligence
amplifier (or damper, in certain subjects ;-)

Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension!
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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