Fear of Guns Vs. Fear of No Guns

From: QueeneMUSE@aol.com
Date: Sun Jun 06 1999 - 17:46:29 MDT

What most people fear about non-registered guns is not Mr. Gun Owner shooting
off kneecaps, or (no matter what people claim) insane people and maladjusted
highschool Doomlord gamers shooting up middle America. "The Biggest Rational
Fear" from *citizens* is if Mr. Gun Owner starts a lucrative business of
RESALE of guns (to criminals).

They aren't as afraid of zealous Mr. Gun Owner himself, for he is "one of
us"...(though you foreigners are right to fear him - remember the dead
Japanese tourist who broke down on the highway and walked up to a home to
call for help, Oops!! -- he thought "Freeze" meant "please" ?) .. MOSTLY
what one SHOULD fear is the thousands of accidental shootings Mr. Gun Owner's
kids incur (My uncle's boy had such an incident, and try telling a Native
American that our government should be trusted to decide who carries guns).
Regulation and Liscence comforts people, it represents control, weapons
training, proper handling. But who should control? Big Daddy?

(...history showing that a govt' that disarms it's polulace turns despotic.
Separation of church and state, right to bear arms.)

Which is scarier?

But guns are clearly out of control and our country is insane. We need to do

If, after hearing that Mr. Gun Owner wants to shoot my kneecaps off for
tasering him (or possibly for a less harmful but more humiliating activity
like hitting him with a nerf ball, taking his twinkies or kicking him in the
shins) I decide Mr. Gun Owner is a bad candidate to hand over a weapon to,
what kind of force should I apply to, if not the govt.? A private agency?
Looky Anarcho-Capitalists: a Private Entrepeneur Opportunity!!

How about: Mothers Against Gun Greedy Errant Rednecks (MUGGERS)???

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