
From: Chris Fedeli (
Date: Sun May 23 1999 - 16:36:46 MDT

Thanks for all that info on the robot commercial for Intel.
Now I can finally put my itching curiosity to rest on that

Anyway it's a great groove, even for a cover of a showtune.
To the Intel Info-droid: if they ever decide to release the
full version, please let me know.

To Mike Lorrey: I agree, the flow of commercials like the
ones we are discussing amount to a steady attitude massage
for the masses; subtle memetic manipulation that will
eventually convert a technophobic populace into willing
participants in the transhuman condition. 'Tis a gentle
seduction, indeed :)

So long as the ends of transhumanism continue to overlap
with those of corporations like Intel, Cisco and the rest,
we'll all be able to watch comfortably from our balconies,
doing relatively little as the predictable tides of the
global economy wash us up on the shores of a singularity or

A comforting thought, and probably mostly accurate.

Chris Fedeli

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