Re: Dr. Patrick Flanagan?

From: Peter Passaro (
Date: Sat May 08 1999 - 06:58:00 MDT

"Dr." Patrick Flanagan is one of the world's foremost con artists. I was
recently was sent a business proposal from one of the companies marketing
his microhydrin anti-oxidant product, so I did a little background checking.
All of his inventions are completely ridiculous, no data at all. Flanagan
was also responsible for "Pyramid Power" back in the early 70's.
Microhydrin is a particularly disgusting fraud, it most likely causes
oxidative damage, if it does anything at all. Flanagan's M.D. and Ph.D. are
almost assuredly self awarded, because the only paper trail that exists on
him is the Life magazine puff piece, and his collection of lies and half
truths such as the paragraph Gina posted. Beware disinformation couched in
pseudoscientific technobabble!

Peter Passaro
"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." R.A. Henlein

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