How To Start A Money-Making Advertising Specialty Business

Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 16:06:45 MDT

How To Start A Profitable Advertising Specialty Business

Advertising specialties are small items like book matches, pens
or key chains that can be imprinted with a company, logo or

They are deductible advertising and usually given away to promote
the business whose name is inscribed on them. There is almost no
limit to products that can be used as advertising specialties.
They can be anything the client company can afford, your
sponsoring company can imprint and the customer will use.

The ideal item is useful, costs comparatively little and keeps
your clients' business name in front of the customer as long as

Advertising Specialties is an ideal business to operate from
home. You can market them on a route, by mail, through
advertisements, by phone appointments or by personal contact.

There are two main objectives in establishing yourself in this

The first is to let people know who you are, what you handle and
where they can get hold of you.

Second, convince them that you can help them promote their
business. Your experience and advertising knowledge level will
increase constantly. In turn, your expanding capability will
equip you to offer even better advice and more timely

Your customers are busy business people who want to get the most
of their advertising dollar and are not particularly
knowledgeable in this area. As soon as your customers realize
they can rely on your advice your success will be assured!

Advertising specialties include place mats, school football and
baseball schedules, calendars and plastic windshield scrapers,
which lend themselves well to thee seasons. These give you a good
opportunity to make timely and realistic suggestions to your

How do you make money doing this?

Here's a simple, PROVEN way to do it...

** Only do business with people who do business with you!

So, when your insurance comes up for renewal -- explain to
your agent that you're in the 'specialty ad' business and
you'd be glad to renew your policies IF he/she is good enough
to place an order for (calendars, matches, golf balls, pens etc.
-- whatever he/she might use anyway -- no extra cost)... and if
your agent does not want to reciprocate, then renew your coverage
with another agent who will.

And, what about the pharmacy that fills your RX, the gas station,
the cleaners, etc. You've probably got 20 customers (easily) that
you're spending money with right now who are prospects for advertising

This Is Easy Money! It's Fun and Lucrative!

For more information about Specialty
Advertising as a business opportunity,

-- simply complete the form below and

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PS As a bonus, if you respond now, you'll get a FREE monthly
Bizop E-zine and postings with important messages to the home-based

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