Re: Nanorgasm

From: Eric Ruud (
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 19:23:36 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Nanorgasm

>We, as a culture, have hardly begun to explore the sexual
>possibilities of even conventional technologies. This is
>an area ripe for research. Other than a few chemicals and
>a few electrical gadgets and a few operations, there's
>really not been much progress in the area in decades.

It seems to me that after a certain amount of time, sexual pleasure will be
obsolete, due to greater advances in neural science. Not only is it not
productive ( wow... what an incredible unintentional pun) in our current
society, it can and will be superceded by greater methods of pleasure. Even
today, for a lot of heroin users sex pales in comparison to the purely
chemical high. Who knows what's coming next?

I'm reminded of the role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade (I noticed
some roll-playing buffs on this list) where the immortal (see a parallel,
anyone?) vampires have replaced the lust for sex with the far more powerful
lust for human blood, which is the sustenance of the species.

Might we be doing ourselves a favor to somehow link physical pleasure with
that by which will sustain ourselves in the future?


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