RE: What are we going to do about all the space junk?

From: Jonathan Reeves (
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 02:09:15 MDT

Danny Yavuzkurt wrote:

> I was just taking a look through the US Space Command's page,
and I
>happened upon their 'Satellite Boxscore' page
>( I was pretty taken
>aback by the sheer amount of (known) junk there is out there.. how long
>it going to be before the more-used orbits will be completely
>due to sheer human messiness?... this could be a serious obstacle to
>development as a space-faring species..

Absolutely. And a waste of resources - we've spent a lot of money
getting the stuff up there we might as well try and use it, rather than
let it float around endangering shipping.

Any ideas?

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