Re: old wars...

Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 21:32:37 MST

A few exceptions to Navy involvement in Viet Nam?

   Naval Aviators

   The Boats patrolling the Mekong Delta

   UBTs(not sure I've the right initials here): the predecessors of the SEAL

Also, lets not forget that although they might not have been the primary
service in Viet Nam, there was still a Cold War going on which could have
heated up at any time. And being on a Naval Vessel definitely made you a
target. So, joining the Navy might have been a calculated risk to avoid being
a ground-pounder in Viet Nam, but I wouldn't characterize it as cowardice.
There was still the possibility of becoming a casualty of war, as with any
form of military service at any time in history. Just wearing the uniform of
the US military can make you a target. They were not running away from
military service so much as exercising some control over the nature it would

Now, I have to admit to having a weakness for discussion about the Viet Nam
war and the various issues it entails, but I feel it would be less than honest
of me if I did not point out that this discussion has not exactly been
Extropian in tone. That gives us three viable options.
1) Reframe the discussions in Extropian terms (how would the application of
Extropian Principles effect analysis of the Viet Nam war?)
2) Move this discussion to another arena more appropriate.
3) End the discussion.

Again, I have been as guilty as any of continuing this discussion in a place
and/or manner which were inappropriate (just look at the first part of this
post for proof of my complicity<G>). For that, I apologize to my fellow >H on
the list. What can I say? It's tough to pass up a good discussion....


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