Re: Improving the list (was: Can we please dekookify the list?)

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Mon Mar 01 1999 - 21:31:35 MST

Anders Sandberg suggested
> I have been thinking of running some program through the list archives
> to do data mining, for example build sociograms (who responds to
> whom?), find threads where someone participates, who glorifies who and
> perhaps extract clusters of discussion. Maybe the way of improving
> quality of the list lies in making archives more powerful?

Certainly. The archive server could then add simply meta-tag information to
mails based on some kind of discriminant function analysis, or a weighting
on 5-6 neural net vectors.

clients could then run private scripts like this simple example (in
Applescript 'cause I am a Mac head)

property myWeightings:{0.5,0.1,-0.7,0.9,0.01,}

set thisMailsWeights to (extract meta weights(mail_headers)) as list

set myRanking to 0
set n to 1
repeat with myWeight in myWeightings
   set myRanking to myWeight * item n of thisMailsWeights
   set n to n + 1

if myRanking is less than 3 then
   mark the current mail as read
   set the color of the current mail to "light gray"
end if


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