Re: Improving the list (was: Can we please dekookify the list?)

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Tue Mar 02 1999 - 17:38:41 MST

At 07:19 PM 2/28/99 -8000, you wrote:

>Unlike Natasha, I'm not at all against calling names and making

No, wrong. "Judge and be prepared to be judged."

I judged Eliezer's methods and list sportsmanship. I also expressed that a
sense of self-worth is an extropian quality and a quality that many
extropians rise to the occasion of.

(But that was just a bit of wind in my hair.)

It would benefit ExI and all list members if we had a more sophisticated
Web based list and also a streamlined graphic Web introduction for
newcomers of list guidelines.

I think Brian Atkins generous and intelligent suggestions and contributions
will be extremely beneficial as we design a better system for running the
list and welcoming newcomers.


Natasha Vita-More:
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