Re: Can we please dekookify the list?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Feb 27 1999 - 18:59:25 MST

> > utility fog, wearable computers etc. Then we would lose the kooky
> > newbies. Of course, that might be Brian's point.... {8^D spike
> Brian Atkins wrote: No, all of those things are what attracted me to this
> list.

me too.

> I personally think 95% of the posts here are very interesting,
> and wouldn't want to lose them! I don't consider those to be
> kooky at all, they are very established transhuman ideas.

We do get carried away at times. I recommend discipline in
staying somewhat on topic. (I recognize that I am one of hte
offenders... sorry.) {8-[ I am on some other lists, and they
are all more strict about straying off topic than extropians.
I guess its because with extropians it is more difficult to define
interests, which span broadly indeed. Let us be quick to take a
topic offline with those who are interested, such as the perennial
gun virus and the plane crash thing. {8^D spike

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