Re: SCI: slow light

From: KPJ (
Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 09:33:10 MST

KPJ <> wrote:
|The theory predicts that the total zero point energy in the vacuum to be
|infinite when summed over all the possible photon modes. The energy of the
|vacuum should act gravitationally and produce a large cosmological constant
|which would cause space-time to curl up.
|Anybody cleared up this inconsistency yet?

It appears as if Joe Trusnik <> wrote:
|Curl Up? I don't think I understand completely. Is this like
|space-warping? If so, can't that be just as useful as FTL travel? Or am I
|missing the concept completely?

In short steps:

0. The theory predicts that the total zero point energy in the vacuum to be
   infinite when summed over all the possible photon modes.

1. The energy of the vacuum should act gravitationally [like an infinite mass].

2. Infinite mass create infinite gravitation [gravitational law].

3. Infinite gravitation would create a instant black hole of the universe
   since there exists no force which can withstand this infinite force.

4. Empirical data does not indicate that [3] has happened.

ERGO: The theory contains an inconsistency.

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