Re: Extropians and animal rights

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sun Jan 10 1999 - 01:18:14 MST

At 02:52 AM 1/10/99 -0500, Randall Randall wrote:

>... If any entity wants full rights, and expresses
>that desire, it should have them. I fail, however, to see how an
>"animal" (as differentiated from a person) could desire full rights.
>If an entity can so desire, then I would say that it is a person.

  IAN: The desire for full rights is expressed by animals
  in their efforts to avoid pain and physical harm/death,
  and in their making of claims to physical property.

  One could not use force to subdue an animal in order to
  kill it and also claim it never asserted a right to life.

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