Re: Gingrich, Moynihan step down

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 17:50:40 MST

>>Really? A desire for privacy is part of human nature? Are there any
>>studies that support that hypothesis? Do you mean to say that there was
>>some evolutionary advantage available to those who preferred to be alone?
>>The only survival value I can think of off the top of my head would be
>>when one was alone and unmonitored, one had an opportunity to hide, or to
>>steal, or do something else unbeknownst to the rest of the tribe that
>>give one some sort of unfair (but effective) advantage. Any other
>>advantages come to mind that might have resulted in a preference for
>>being hard-wired into our circuitry?
>>Scott Badger

Ralph Lewis <> wrote:

>Or to have sometime to read, think , experiment safely with new social and
>technical innivations....

I don't think this holds water. Our simian anscestors
on the savannah plains were neither reading, nor
performing experiments with new social and technical
innovations. They were, however, smart enough to hide
and or steal food or weapons. OK, here's another possible
advantage to privacy back then . . . non-alpha males
needed privacy to engage in covert copulation with the
females. I suspect one's need for privacy is more
culturally than genetically determined.

Scott Badger

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