Re: Gingrich, Moynihan step down

From: Max M (
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 01:05:38 MST

From: Hal Finney <>

>Josh Glasstetter, <>, asks:
>> I'm really confused as to what extropians mean by libertarianism.
>No doubt it means different things to different people. I would prefer
>to call the philosophy "individualism", the belief that to the maximum
>extent possible, people should be free to make their own individual
>decisions about how they live their lives.

I think that that every political party claims to hold that idea :-)

I too believe that personal freedom is of utter importance, but I also feel
that there can be no freedom for the poor. And yes the free market is
probably one of the best ways to distribute wealth. But still there are
plenty of people who has no money and never will have.

Thus it seems fair to mee that those of us who has property and money also
give something of it away to those who has not, so they don't starve, has to
sleep on the street, can get any education and can be treated for their

It's probably too hard for a Scandinavian to become a complete libertarian


Max M Rasmussen
New Media Director



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