Re: Beg your pardon? (Was: Teach the hungry)

From: J. Maxwell Legg (
Date: Sun Sep 06 1998 - 16:03:22 MDT

J. R. Molloy wrote:

> Consequently, the effect of eliminating arm's length transactions from
> a portion of the social order would tend to have no other effect than
> to increase emotional isolation of that society's members while
> increasing transactions of the virtual kind.

There surely will be very many elements and constructs exposed by
eliminating arm's length transactions. I don't know whether to agree or
disagree with your principle effect. Maybe in the past we needed such
transactions because we didn't have an intellectual collaborator (Ingrid
on your arm) to do the real world semantic number crunching for us.
Anyway, upon reflection, the standard text book definition of an
investment does appear to have an exponential cancerous component built in
and I think "it" alone is what causes the "arms length" ghetto of today's
rich to immolate themselves to the biggest conflagration of excess the
world has ever seen.

Maybe we can rebuild a better world when the fire's out, eh?

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