Re: Let's work on the FAQ!

From: Henri Kluytmans (
Date: Mon Jul 13 1998 - 09:17:14 MDT wrote:

>I am more ambivalent about the following question:
>> There is a non-physical soul and therefore some transhumanist issues
>> are bound to fail (uploading, conscious AI)
>First, I would rephrase it:
>Won't things like uploading, cryonics and AI fail because they can't preserve
>or create the soul?

Concerning cryonics this "soul" issue can be easily dealed with:

A counter question : When does this "soul" enter the body ?

Assumed that the believers in a "soul" answer that this does
happen at the point of fertilization of the egg-cell (or even
earlier) :

The fact that frozen embryos have grown into healthy and normal
adults proves that cryonics does preserve the soul (supposed
that there is any).

>Hkl ------> Technology & Future at
Transcedo --> Dutch Transhumanist Society
Because the future is where we will spend the rest of our lives ...
You see things and ask "Why?" ; I dream things and ask "Why not?"

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