Re: The End of Privacy ?

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 22:40:23 MDT wrote:

> In a message dated 7/3/98 12:04:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> <<
> There is a feedback loop at work, though perhaps
> not of the sort you imagine. Here is how it works,
> over a cycle of 5-10 years: Legislators pass new
> gun control laws in the name of preventing crime;
> crime increases due to the lesser availability of
> guns to potential victims; legislators cry over
> towering crime rates and pass more gun legislation.
> In general, it seems that if you feel that people
> are generally more apt to use a gun to defend
> themselves against crime than to commit it,
> you favor proliferation of guns. If you feel that
> people in general are only waiting for firepower
> to commit as many crimes as they can, you
> favor gun laws.
> >>
> Interesting explanation for high violent crime in America. It's not the fact
> that so many have guns, it's the fact that not ENOUGH people have guns.
> According to your reasoning, if EVERYONE had a gun, crime would decline
> dramatically. Thanks, but I'd rather not turn this country into a national
> version of Dodge City.

Apparently, Andrew, you have not been paying attention. Yes, we are saying that
if everyone had guns, then crime would decline dramatically. We now have proof
that this is true, thanks to the ground breaking work of Professor John Lott of
the University of Chicago, which you can read about in his book, _More Guns, Less

Moreover, Dodge City was not a crime center until after the Earp brothers forced
the City fathers to ban bearing of arms within city limits, despite what you may
have seen in the movies. The Earp brothers were the first organized crime family,
who used their law enforcement positions to control local alcohol, gambling, and
prostitution enterprises. They did this in Dodge City, then when they were run
out of town, they did the same thing in Tombstone. So, in the end, I don't want
this nation to become one big Dodge City either, which is why I support the right
of all to keep and bear arms, when, where, and as they please, as they are
guarranteed by the constitution.

   Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------ Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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