Re: The End of Privacy ?

Date: Wed Jul 01 1998 - 17:06:19 MDT

In a message dated 7/1/98 7:36:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< But for the rest of us, so what? Just move away from the people who are
 likely to be nuked and hope you avoid the odd random crazies. It's no
 big deal for those who don't want to boss others around. Unless Y2K takes
 the government down then DC probably will be nuked in the next couple
 of decades. So what?

A rather interesting argument Mark. First of all, I think that we all have a
vested interest in keeping public officials alive while they're in office, or
at least safe from terrorist attack. Second, what makes you think that
everyone, or even most, will be able to move away from those who will likely
be targeted? Third, I'm afraid I don't understand how your response to the
idea of weapons of mass destruction proliferating amongst irrational
psychotics can be "so what?". Surely the possibility of so much death and
suffering that could be caused requires more than a "so what?" response.


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