Re: The End of Privacy ?

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Wed Jul 01 1998 - 15:50:54 MDT

"Bryan Moss" <> writes:

> Also, it might be an idea to find out who the
> "crazies" actually are. Contrary to popular
> belief (to my knowledge) there is no mental
> illness that makes people want to destroy the
> world. Most potential threats will have very real
> reasons for wanting us all dead.

Yes, outside B-movies few people are really out to destroy the
world. Psychologically speaking, one should maybe look at people with
persecution/revenge complex combined with severe megalomania, but that
usually tends to result in mailbombs rather than anthrax
epidemics. However, the group dynamics and memetics of the Japanese
doomsday sect should instill some caution - it would make a perfect
study object of the kind of crazies to look out for.

Otherwise I would study terrorist groups. They usually aren't that
technical themselves, but there are underground engineers for
hire. According to a friend a few years back one of the experts at
making bombs in Israel accidentally blew himself up, which resulted in
a marked decrease in the number of bombings - this suggests that such
underground engineers are relatively few and technological diffusion
to terrorism is limited in the post-cold war era.

Not even terrorists go for wholesale destruction, it doesn't work as
useful terrorism. But they might want to have it as an option/defense
in the case things go badly: "If you touch us, all will go to
hell!". That is worth worrying about, since it seems to fit better
with the terrorist martyr mindset.

Overall, I think the number of crazies that would and could use
weapons of mass destruction is quite low. But they exist, and that
poses a problem. Personally I think we do not need to worry too much
yet, the available weaponry is limited, and we have plenty of time to
figure out how to deal with more technology. But we should take the
problem seriously.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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