Re: boy seeks girl seeks girl seeks boy seeks boy seeks other

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Feb 14 1998 - 04:06:38 MST

At 06:32 PM 2/8/98 -0800, Sunah Caroline Cherwin wrote:

>ok, just because this came from damien, i'll play

Well, shucks, I suppose in the spirit of fair play I should now do
likewise. I don't have a site of my own, but there's a strange pic of me
doing my Shakespeare impersonation stuck on an article at

Of course that was a couple of years back, so I was still a mere lad of 52
(as Asimov would have put it)...

Damien Broderick [I don't suppose you've got your damiens confused, Sunah?
--no low golden willows here]

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