Re: boy seeks girl seeks girl seeks boy seeks boy seeks other

From: Sunah Caroline Cherwin (
Date: Sun Feb 08 1998 - 19:32:14 MST

>At 01:47 PM 2/7/98 -0800, Sunah Caroline Cherwin wrote:
>>oh, fyi and *not* as a request, I'm an available and reasonably attractive
>>extropian woman
>I thought as a public service to the list :) I should post the url
>where I seem to recall Sunah Caroline Cherwin's pic appearing. (Certainly
>the general level of healthy pulchritude, m & f, was impressively high.)
>Sadly, I found this:
>Sorry, Extropian Photo Gallery will reopen
>11/25/97 Thank You
ok, just because this came from damien, i'll play, though i don't think i
look so good in 2d, or without a body:


Sunah Caroline Cherwin           +   +  
Member: HTML Writer's Guild        +       Member: San Francisco Webgrrls
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