Re: Meat Eating

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Fri Jan 30 1998 - 03:08:55 MST

On Thu, Jan 29, 1998 at 12:09:51PM -0500, Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> So we should have the cows graze on the hemp. Cows will act stoned and
> appear less intelligent. Cows will be happy and have an improved
> quality of life. Cows will be more subdued and won't object to being
> slaughtered. Everybody's happy.

Aksherly, there's quite a bit of developmental evidence that the whole
reason hemp produces THC and related compounds is because ungulents
(like cows) _hate_ the stuff.

On the other hand, hemp is farmed in the EU; it's not hard to breed a
strain of cannabis sativa that produces no intoxicating substances
whatsoever. (Although the cops tend to keep a close eye on farmers who
have a license to grow the stuff, just to make sure it's an approved
strain ...)

-- Charlie

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