Meat Eating

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Thu Jan 29 1998 - 03:29:31 MST

At 06:14 PM 1/27/98 -0800, Anton Sherwood <> wrote:
>>Max M writes
>>If we would stop eating so much meat, we would loose a level
>>in the food chain. there would be more food and we would be healthier.
>Many of our beef cattle are grazed on land that would be useless for crops.

  IAN: Well, hemp will grow in the worst soils,
  and it will even raise the level of nitrogen.
  Hemp seed is second only to the soy bean in
  protein, and unlike the soy bean is not known
  to be an allergen. Hemp seed oil is also high
  in the varieties of fat that increase the
  good cholesterol and decrease the bad, LDL.

  As I understand, it takes 9 pounds of gain
  consumed by a cow to yield one pound of meat.
  Of course the meat may have a higher concen-
  tration of protein than most grains, yet soy
  and hemp are sufficiently protein rich to
  meet and exceed human protein needs.

  I did a report back in high school calculating
  how much more food we would have if the food
  that livestock ate was not devoted to feeding
  animals born to be killed for human consumption.
  I'd have to dig up that report to get the exact
  numbers, but I recall that the amount of food
  in the world would increase about 4X or more.
  If I recall, almost 70% of grains grown go to
  the feeding of livestock to support the
  system of meat-eating mass murder.

  I've been a vegetarian for 19 years without
  any health related problems, and probably
  many health related benefits, although it's
  impossible to determine the bad health you've
  avoided since you cannot be both the subject
  and the control of your own experiment. But
  studies suggest that a vegetarian diet is
  far healthier than nonvegatarian diets.
  And anything that is more healty and
  more ethical is more extropian.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->


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