From: James Daugherty (
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 03:32:04 MST

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Mark A. Smith <>
|To: Mark <>
|Date: Wednesday, January 07, 1998 7:29 PM
||> PART I:
||> An Interim Report on the Death of
||> Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, et al.
||> by Nicholas A. Guarino
||> Editor, The Wall Street Underground
||> Former TV Host, Commodities Week
||> Former Arkansas Businessman
||> We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the two
||> dozen brave and concerned citizens, officials, and military
||> personnel who have risked disclosure and the abrupt end of
||> their careers--if not their lives--by assisting us with timely
||> and accurate information included in this report. For the
||> information on the circumstances surrounding the death of
||> Ron Brown, we are especially indebted to I-3, our third major
||> informant within U.S. military ranks in the past year. "Eye
||> Three," as he is nicknamed, is a highly-placed military
||> source.
||> Cilipi Airport, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2:10 P.M.,
||> April 3, 1996:
||> Captain Amir Schic lands a twin-engine corporate jet
||> carrying the Croatian Prime Minister and the American
||> Ambassador.
||> It is one of five planes to land routinely on Runway 12 in the
||> hour preceding the scheduled 3:00 arrival of IFOR-2 1, the
||> Boeing T-43A carrying Ron Brown and his upbeat entourage
||> of American industrial deal-makers.
||> Cilipi Airport, 2:15 P.M.:
||> Businessmen begin to straggle into the lobby, a few carrying
||> umbrellas to ward off the very light to moderate rain.
||> They're early because they're anxious to greet the 35
||> Americans who at this moment are taking off from Tuzla,
||> Bosnia, 130 miles to the northeast. Outside, a perfect
||> breeze blows at 14 mph from east to west, perfect because
||> at 120' from north, it is only one degree off from being an
||> exact headwind for the landing pattern of IFOR-21.
||> Contrary to some U.S. news reports, it is not a dark and
||> stormy night. It is the middle of the afternoon.
||> The Radio Shack of Cilipi Airport, about 2:30 P.M.:
||> Maintenance Chief Niko Jerkuic, 46, nervously fiddles with
||> the dials on his NDR (Nondirectional Radio) beacon, the only
||> instrument he has that can guide approaching planes.
||> In a couple of hours, he will be a rich man, the two American
||> operatives told him, if he can quietly send IFOR-21 into Sveti
||> Ivan (St. John's Hill), one of the highest mountains in the
||> area at 2400 feet.
||> Jerkuic will simply shut his beacon down-at the same
||> moment that a decoy beacon is turned on by an American
||> operative sitting near the base of Sveti Ivan. This is an old
||> trick dating back to pirate days.
||> He inspects his terrain map again and again.
||> If he miscalculates ... well, the Americans did not look like
||> men who would forgive someone who botches a serious
||> assignment like this one.
||> All Jerkuic knows is that there is someone on the plane who
||> is very dangerous to the American President, and it is his
||> job to make sure the plane never lands.
||> With a shaky hand, he picks up a scrambled walkie-talkie
||> and rechecks with the American agent who is sitting in a
||> jeep at Sveti Ivan with another NDR in a suitcase beside him.
||> Jerkuic glances out at some broken clouds scudding by 400
||> feet above. They will have no effect. He will have to depend
||> on the main cloud cover at 2,000 feet. Sveti Ivan rises
||> almost 400 feet into this overcast. Jerkuic calculates that
||> the new signal will alter the plane's course by a full ten
||> degrees and send it far off course to the north into the
||> mountain. His timing will have to be perfect.
||> Money or no money, he begins to wonder if he's doing the
||> right thing.
||> Cilipi Airport, 2:48 P.M.:
||> Captain Schic climbs to the control tower to give IFOR-21 a
||> friendly radio greeting and reassurance that all is well.
||> He describes the Cilipi weather: Visibility eight kilometers (5
||> miles), winds still at 14 mph, all flights arriving non-normally.
||> Flying at about 10,000 feet and 40+ miles away, Co-captains
||> Ashley J. Davis, 35, and Tim Shafer, 33, thank Schic for his
||> words of welcome.
||> These conditions are later described by Newsweek and
||> others as "the worst storm in ten years" with "visibility just
||> 100 yards." (Their portrayal of the weather is flatly denied by
||> Aviation Week and Space Technology.)
||> In the clouds over the Adriatic Sea. 2:50 P.M.:
||> IFOR-21 reports in to, Cilipi routinely. It is the last time their
||> voice is heard.
||> Split, Croatia, 2:52 P.M.:
||> The main regional radar station loses IFOR-21 from its
||> screen.
||> Cilipi Airport, 2:52 P.M.:
||> Jerkuic stops monitoring the control tower to detect any
||> other planes in the landing pattern. There are none, so he
||> calls the American at Sveti Ivan again. They countdown: 5,
||> 4, 3, 2, 1. Simultaneously, Jerkuic shuts down and the
||> American powers up.
||> Kolocep Island, 2:54 P.M.:
||> IFOR-21 is on course as it passes over Cilipi's first beacon,
||> 11.9 miles from the airport. It then locks onto the second
||> and final beam that is being transmitted from Sveti Ivan.
||> This changes the plane's actual direction from 119' to 109',
||> heading straight into Sveti Ivan. But the Cilipi control tower
||> doesn't know the plane is now off course. It has no radar.
||> Aboard an AWACS plane, 2:56 P.M.:
||> The U.S. Air Force plane keeping track of air traffic in the
||> Bosnian conflict area loses track of IFOR-21 just after it
||> passes over Dubrovnik. (Being the military version of a
||> Boeing 737-200, IFOR-21 is not easily lost.) Because it is
||> less than a mile off course at this point, no one on the
||> AWACS notes any problem.
||> Srebreno, Croatia, 2:57 P.M.:
||> Villagers hear a plane roaring past unusually low and close.
||> Plat, Croatia, 2:57 P.M.:
||> Villagers Ana and Miho Duplica rush outside and see
||> IFOR-21 looming "like a ghost out of the clouds."
||> Velji Do, Croatia, 2:58 P.M.:
||> Everyone in this tiny collection of stone huts at the base of
||> Sveti Ivan hears a plane go directly overhead in the clouds,
||> then rev its engines mightily for one instant.
||> Aboard the plane, the klaxon of its ground-proximity warning
||> device suddenly blares, jolting Captain Davis. He
||> immediately jerks the plane upward and to the left.
||> The two to three seconds of warning are far too little. The
||> plane's left wingtip touches ground, spinning it directly into
||> the rocky hillside, making an earth-shaking explosion.
||> There is the crackling hiss of a huge fireball as the plane
||> and its large load of gas bum. Then a dead silence in the
||> mist.
||> The tail section remains quite intact, but the rest of IFOR-21
||> is all over the hill, making later identification of many of the
||> passengers impossible. The nose of the fuselage is just a
||> blackish smudge in the ground.
||> All 35 people are dead except for stewardess Shelly Kelly,
||> who, riding in the tail, sustains only minor cuts and bruises.
||> Cilipi, 3:18 P.M.:
||> U.S. authorities are notified that IFOR-21 is down, location
||> completely unknown. However, they are to suffer II @ hours
||> of confusion before arriving at the scene-
||> Republic of South Africa, approximately 4:00 P.M.:
||> News reports say an attempt has been made on the life of
||> Ron Brown's law partner, Tommy Boggs, by unknown
||> assailants in a staged car accident in Capetown. Later,
||> Boggs refuses to discuss it.
||> Cilipi, later that afternoon:
||> Niko Jerkuic goes home to collect his reward, but the
||> reward is not waiting for him. It comes three days later: a
||> bullet through the chest, administered just shortly before he
||> is scheduled to be grilled by the U.S. Air Force accident
||> investigation team.
||> The hit squad wraps his hand around the gun and departs.
||> The Americans do not want a live witness who could spill
||> the beans later.
||> Like many of the Whitewater dead, Jerkuic is immediately
||> labeled a suicide, even though there's no evidence-and a
||> chest wound is a rather rare cause especially with a large
||> caliber pistol (unusual in Europe).
||> The quick official reason given for bachelor Jerkuic's death
||> is despondence over romantic troubles with his girlfriend.
||> At this point, however, we have not been able to find any
||> verification for this. Instead, what we have found is
||> neighbors and friends who all agree that Jerkuic was not
||> depressed. Like many of his friends who had survived the
||> years of the Bosnian war, he was excited that life was finally
||> getting better.
||> Crash site, 7:20 P.M.:
||> Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash, the first Croatian
||> Special Forces search party arrives on the scene and finds
||> only Ms. Kelly surviving. They call for a helicopter to
||> evacuate her to the hospital. when it arrives, she is able to
||> get aboard without assistance from the medics.
||> But Kelly never completes the short hop. She dies enroute.
||> According to multiple reports given to journalist/editor Joe L.
||> Jordan, an autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision
||> over her main femoral artery. It also shows that the incision
||> came at least three hours after all her other cuts and
||> bruises.
||> This datum, of course, creates in one's mind a horrifying
||> scene in the back of the chopper, as one Special Forces
||> operative holds down the struggling woman and muffles her
||> screams while another slices her leg.
||> Further necropsies will probably not happen. At this writing,
||> Clinton has ordered the cremation of all victims. It's hard to
||> perform autopsies on ashes.
||> All this cries, of course, for an explanation of why anyone
||> would be so eager to kill Ron Brown that they would take 34
||> innocent Americans along with him. I will address this issue
||> in a moment. But First let me describe the current state of
||> thinking on the cause of the crash.
||> Confusion or Coverup?
||> Ever since the crash, most reporters and officials have
||> refused to even consider the possibility of foul play.
||> Some of them have merely followed orders. But most of
||> them have instinctively fled from the highly disturbing
||> possibility that Ron Brown was assassinated by people
||> close to his own President.
||> So confronted with the total impossibility of two
||> experienced pilots following an NDR beam to a crash site
||> 1.6 miles off course, they all shrug their shoulders in
||> bewilderment. None of their theories have come even close
||> to explaining how a beacon that is accurate to within two
||> feet at the landing point could lead the plane so far astray.
||> But they have tried:
||> - The Air Force's official explanation is that the pilots set the
||> compass on the IFOR-21 10' off course. That is impossible.
||> Pilots routinely set their compasses right before takeoff. If
||> they set the compass off 10', they would not have been on
||> course when they passed the first beacon, 11.8 miles from
||> the airport. Instead they would have been miles and miles
||> off course at this point. To make this explanation even more
||> absurd, the plane was flying on the NDR signal, not the
||> compass.
||> - One desperate explanation was a nasty crosswind that
||> "blew" the plane sideways. Not credible: This would require
||> a wind 90' off from the actual wind.
||> - Most of the press and officialdom have blamed poor
||> visibility to some extent. To do this, they have to take the
||> ferocity of the rainstorm later that afternoon and evening
||> and move it back in time to the crash hour. But records
||> show the weather from 2:54 P.M. to 2:58 P.M. was well
||> within the normal limits for landing. And NDR beacons never
||> get blown off course.
||> In any case, pilots more than a few miles from an airport
||> normally rely on a beam rather than visual sighting anyway.
||> - Pilot fatigue and strain? Not likely on a 45minute flight.
||> - Equipment malfunction on a rickety old plane? IFOR-21
||> was the number two plane in the White House fleet: in
||> essence, Air Force Two. It had carried Hillary and Chelsea
||> Clinton and Defense Secretary William Perry just the week
||> before. Everything about the flight was checked out and
||> rehearsed a week in advance.
||> - Lightning or other troubles causing the pilots to lose track
||> of the beam? No, they were both drilled in the standard
||> procedure for Cilipi: If you lose the beam or miss the airport,
||> you immediately veer TO THE RIGHT AND UP to make sure
||> you avoid Sveti Ivan. Indisputably, the pilots thought they
||> were following the beacon, or they would have executed the
||> standard right turn within seconds. Plus, their landing gear
||> was locked down, showing that they expected to land at any
||> moment.
||> In sum, none of the "official" explanations to date have held
||> any water. And all of them ignore the glaring fact that
||> IFOR-21 did not simply stray off the path at the last moment;
||> by all accounts, it went straight as an arrow to its doom the
||> moment it left the Kolocep Island beacon and picked up the
||> Cilipi beacon. The problem had to be the Cilipi beacon,
||> which was shut down at the airport while a substitute
||> transmitter at Sveti Ivan was turned on.
||> And Even Worse...
||> Could the problem have been that technician Niko Jerkuic
||> had let his equipment become rundown? No, thousands of
||> landings had taken place while his equipment was running,
||> some just minutes before the crash. To transmit an NDR
||> beacon that's ten degrees off, it takes more than an
||> accident.
||> Obviously, this explanation could do double duty by aiding
||> the suicide theory. In this scenario, Jerkuic simply felt so
||> bad about his shoddy work that he shot himself.
||> Unfortunately for the theory, you can't just accidentally
||> bump a knob and make the whole apparatus line planes up
||> with Sveti Ivan. It takes a sustained effort by a qualified
||> engineer. Plus, other planes had landed just before IFOR-21.
||> So Jerkuic had to shut off his beacon at the last minute.
||> The question arises: Could not the whole issue be resolved
||> by a quick review of the tapes at the control tower? They
||> probably could-if the tapes had not suddenly disappeared.
||> And couldn't the air traffic controller shed some light on
||> things? Certainly. But now he, too, has "committed suicide
||> which, by the way, is a rare event for such a cause in
||> Croatian culture.
||> I repeat: No official anywhere is facing these facts. As a
||> result, their "explanations" are laced with words like
||> mysterious and unknown and inexplicably.
||> The unanimous opinion of our informants: This information,
||> if widely known, would eliminate any chance of Clinton's
||> re-election.
||> The First Time in History: Air Force Kills Investigation
||> The chief investigator for Pratt & Whitney happened to be at
||> the Paris Air Show on April 3.
||> Because Pratt & Whitney always sends an investigator
||> when a plane powered by their engines has a mishap, the
||> man called his boss in America, and said, in effect, "We've
||> just had a crash in Croatia. I think I'd better get down there."
||> The response was, "Go pack."
||> But as the investigator was packing at his hotel, the boss
||> called back. "Don't go," he said to the astonished employee.
||> "There's not going to be a safety investigation."
||> Sure enough, the Air Force had, for the first time in its
||> history, canceled the safety investigation of a crash on
||> friendly soil. There would only be a quick token legal
||> investigation designed to enable a committee to blame the
||> pilots or some remote general and go home.
||> At this time it's an open question whether the black boxes
||> will play a role. Within hours of the crash, the Croatian
||> Ministry of Transport announced that they had the black
||> boxes. One and a half days after the crash, Croatian TV
||> (plus Russian and French TV) announced that the FDR (flight
||> data recorder) and the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) were
||> safely in the hands of U.S. Marines. They said that soon "the
||> cause of the crash will be assessed to find out what
||> happened."
||> The U.S. European command in Stuttgart, Germany, also
||> stated that a black box was aboard.
||> Later, the Pentagon brass stoutly disputed all this, stating
||> that there were no black boxes aboard. They claimed the
||> actual recovered boxes were designed to hold soda pop and
||> toilet paper. (The Croats, who feel they can tell a reel of tape
||> from a roll of toilet paper, are keeping mum.) Also, black
||> boxes are usually painted bright orange, and they can't be
||> opened with a thumb-or hardly at all.
||> It is difficult to imagine that America's #2 VIP plane had no
||> black box. And a veteran Air Force mechanic who claims to
||> have worked on just about every T-43A in the USAF tells us
||> he never saw one without a black box.
||> Why would anyone want to Murder Ron Brown?
||> By all accounts, Ron Brown was a charming fellow who
||> worked very hard and very effectively to promote U.S.
||> business.
||> Why, then, would anyone want to kill him? And who would
||> have the resources to do it by bringing down a large White
||> House airplane?
||> The answer, in brief, is that Ron Brown was going to
||> prison-no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
||> Also, Bill Clinton's presidency was surely going down with
||> him. And that the President would not allow.
||> To anyone who has followed the story closely, this
||> conclusion is obvious. Brown was up to his neck in
||> numerous major scandals: Whitewater, the Denver airport
||> mess, Mena, the Keating Five, Lillian Madsen and her Haitian
||> prostitutes, etc., etc. Small wonder that 22 congressmen
||> wrote Clinton in February of 1995, demanding that he fire
||> Brown.
||> At the time of his murder, Brown was under investigation by:
||> - a special prosecutor in the Justice Dept.
||> - the FDIC
||> - the Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee
||> - the FBI
||> - the Energy Dept.
||> - the Senate Judiciary Committee
||> - and even his own Commerce Dept. Inspector General.
||> But in case you missed the piecemeal accounts in the
||> papers, here is an extremely condensed summary of II of
||> Brown's woes (which were shortly going to become
||> Clinton's woes, as I'll show below):
||> 1. How did North Vietnam recently get us to drop our trade
||> embargo against them so suddenly? Easy. As a
||> Vietnamese businessman and official later revealed to the
||> press, the Communist government paid Brown $700,000 to
||> do it. The money went into a Singapore bank account, the
||> embargo fell, and Clinton squashed a feeble FBI attempt to
||> investigate. He and Brown also neutralized a federal grand
||> jury probe later.
||> 2. Brown sold plane seats on other trade trips besides the
||> one to Bosnia/Croatia. Companies making big contributions
||> to the Democratic Party or the Clinton Victory Fund could
||> buy access and get tax breaks or regulatory favors.
||> 3. The 1/23/95 U.S. News & World Report broke the news
||> that Brown had bought a $360,000 townhouse for his
||> girlfriend, Lillian Madsen, a prominent political player and
||> whorehouse madam from Haiti.
||> 4. Brown used to receive $12,500 a month as the P.R. flack
||> for Baby Doc Duvalier, the much-loathed dictator of Haiti.
||> Brown also managed Baby Doc's $50 million investment
||> fund, most or all of which is now in Vietnam firms.
||> 5. Brown was a key board member of Chemfix, a Louisiana
||> "waste management" corporation that landed a $2 1 0
||> million contract with New York City in 1990 with Brown's
||> help despite the fact that Chemfix had two contracts with
||> other municipalities canceled because of the company's
||> inability to perform. Brown got company stock at 24% of
||> market value (making him millions) and New York mayor
||> David Dinkins got to host the Democratic Convention. A
||> typical Ron Brown win-win deal.
||> 6. Brown founded Capital/Pebsco, which-fresh out of the
||> box-got a contract with D.C. mayor Marion Barry to handle
||> the city's pension funds. Not a bad start for a new company
||> with no investing experience. Brown earned huge fees.
||> 7. In a deal that left CIA people livid, Brown okayed the sale
||> of a new U.S. gas turbine engine to China for use in its
||> cruise missiles. McDonnell Douglas developed the turbine
||> as a military engine, but by arbitrarily reclassifying it as
||> "civilian," Brown enabled China to build a fleet of
||> missiles-which they can point at America (whom else?),
||> powered by our own engines. As part of the lucrative deal,
||> McDonnell Douglas agreed to set up an airplane
||> manufacturing plant using cheap slave labor in China.
||> 8. Brown irked Congress and most of Europe by acting as
||> point man for Clinton to bring Iranian Muslims and their
||> weaponry into the Bosnia war. That broke the
||> U.S.-endorsed arms embargo. The money for the arms was
||> most likely from Commerce and Agriculture, slush fund
||> money channeled to U.S. manufacturers, thence to
||> U.S.friendly nations and firms overseas, thence to Iran. The
||> arms included: helicopter gunships stinger missiles
||> *land mines
||> *anti-aircraft guns
||> *anti-tank weapons
||> *grenade launchers
||> ... and other quality weaponry, most of which will remain on
||> the European scene for decades to come, keeping the area
||> destabilized.
||> As one leading munitions dealer put it: "Iran/Contra was
||> slingshots and cap guns compared to the quantities and
||> size of arms given the Croatian Serbs."
||> That is why the Croatians were enthusiastically hosting
||> Brown's planeload of executives. They felt gratitude for the
||> free arms as well as a desire to do deals.
||> 9. Brown was the partner of a Democratic fundraiser named
||> Nolanda Hill, who paid him $500,000 for his 50% interest in
||> First International, Inc., a company that never made any
||> profits. Most glaringly, Brown never invested a cent in First
||> Int'l.
||> First Int'l owned Corridor Broadcasting, which had defaulted
||> on massive government loans of $40 million. The loans
||> were passed to the FDIC, which was unsuccessful in
||> collecting anything from Hill, even though at that time the
||> firm was making large contributions to the Democratic
||> Party and paying hundreds of thousands to Brown through
||> shell corporations.
||> These payments to Brown (three checks for $45,000 each)
||> were the core of evidence gathered by Rep. William F.
||> Clinger, Jr., that forced Reno to hire Daniel Pearson as
||> special investigator of Brown's crimes. They were
||> cashier's checks, all cut on the same day in 1993 with
||> sequential numbers even though the money supposedly
||> came from three contributors acting independently.
||> Brown never disclosed or paid any taxes on these amounts.
||> 10. By personally delivering a warning letter signed by
||> Clinton, Brown was able to force a bargain deal with the
||> Saudis for $6 billion in American military aircraft and
||> hardware. The quid pro quo: To get the planes, the Saudis
||> also had to accept a fat $4 billion phone contract with AT&T.
||> Also part of the deal: AT&T had a side agreement with
||> Brown's First International (see above). And the Democratic
||> National Committee and the Clinton campaign fund were
||> beneficiaries. This is how big business is done in Clinton's
||> America.
||> 11. The last nail in Brown's coffin was pounded in four days
||> before the crash. FBI and IRS agents subpoenaed as many
||> as 20 witnesses for a serious new grand jury probe of
||> Brown in Washington. It seems that an Oklahoma gas
||> company called Dynamic Energy Resources gave Brown's
||> son Michael $500,000 in stock, a $160,000 cash payment,
||> and exclusive country club memberships. Fortner Dynamic
||> president Stewart Price told a Tulsa grand jury that the
||> money was to be routed to Ron Brown, who was expected
||> to "fix" a big lawsuit for Dynamic.
||> There is little chance you heard about this deathknell, grand
||> jury case. It was reported on radio station KTOK in
||> Oklahoma on March 28 and on the front page of the
||> Washington Times March 29. But then a lock was put on the
||> story; the AP and New York Times wire services blocked
||> any further release of the information. (Welcome to the New
||> World Order)
||> Final proof: the 2/8/96 Washington Post reported that Brown
||> had retained top legal gun Reid Weingarten, a former high
||> official in the Justice Department, as his criminal attorney.
||> You don't pay his prices ($750 an hour) unless you know a
||> criminal indictment is coming and you're probably going to
||> jail.
||> Janet Reno appointed Daniel Pearson as Brown's special
||> prosecutor. When she gave him blanket permission to
||> investigate anything, Brown angrily demanded that Clinton
||> force her to withdraw Pearson. But Reno couldn't do that;
||> she had been backed into a comer by Rep. Clinger, who is
||> chairman of the House Govemment Refonn and Oversight
||> Conimittee. Clinger had copies of Brown's First International
||> checks, among other incriminating documents.
||> When Clinton said he couldn't comply, Brown went ballistic.
||> His fatal mistake-according to Brown confidants who
||> requested anonymity-was telling Clinton that he wasn't
||> going to take the rap. He wasn't going to let his wife and son
||> take the rap, either. (Both had received hundreds of
||> thousands of dollars in under-the-table payments
||> themselves.) He was going to finger Bill and Hillary instead.
||> That would have sunk the reelection campaign on the spot.
||> Dead Man Walking
||> >From that point on, Brown was dead.
||> Like Vincent Foster before him, he knew too much. More
||> than any man in Washington, he knew where all the money
||> went for the payoffs, bribes, scams, money laundering,
||> cover-ups, participation fees, hush money, and side
||> deals-all the way from one-man operations to vast
||> multinational trade treaty fixes.
||> The phony suicide fakeout used on Foster could not be
||> repeated, of course. But an airplane "whack," in the jargon
||> of the intelligence community, is always viewed as an
||> accident. So agents were sent--not directly by Clinton, but
||> through a White House staffer--to a standing network of
||> high-level killers, sometimes called the "Octopus." (See
||> item on Danny Casolaro in Part II).
||> If the frequently-stormy weather at Cilipi had not
||> co-operated, there would always be another trip
||> somewhere, somehow-and soon.
||> Nick Guarino
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