From: Arjen Kamphuis (
Date: Thu Nov 20 1997 - 05:07:56 MST
Mike Coward <> wrote:
>>Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 13:14:57 +0100
>>From: Arjen Kamphuis <>
>>Subject: Excedo: What's in a name?
>>Recently there has been some discussion about the name of the (still
//snip // (I Guess everybody has seen this by now ;-)
>>confusion between the Extropy Institute and Excedo because of the name.
>I understand Tom's concern.
We do not agree with it but we do _respect_ his concern, otherwise we would
not be having this discussion.
>Extropians like to put "ex" infront of many words.
>No one owns the letters "ex".
I hope not, there's only 24 other letters.
>No one owns meaning of the letters "ex".
Unless it is an internationally registered trademark (I think).
Tom suggested AltaVita for us, nice name (really!) but we could be mistaken
for a famous search-engine (would be good to get the hit-rate up though, al
those people making a mistake typing...)
>There are many people named John Smith
>and say, "Second floor please." without looking like a fool.
Point taken.
>This argument is an
If somebody owns 'Ex', you just went broke.
I can only hope that Exxon has nore inadvertend oilspills, that would ve
very bad for all of us wouldn't it? ;-)
Mike, thanks for putting the importance of this (or lack thereof) in
perspective, maybe we got carried away a little... you know youthful
enthousiasm and all that ;-). I won't say 'they started it' because if
'they' did, we allowed it to continue which is just as bad.
_/ _/
_/ Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, _/
_/ for they shall never ceased to be amused. _/
_/ _/
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