From: Forrest Bishop (
Date: Mon Aug 18 1997 - 15:26:28 MDT

Danny wrote:
>In a message dated 97-08-15 12:48:36 EDT, CarlF wrote:
><< One of the highlights of my trip to Extro 3 was the discovery that Forrest
> Bishop has also given serious thought to blowing up the Sun. He's come up
> with a totally different method. We had a wonderful conversation about
> that, and related topics. There can't be many people who have considered
> how to blow up the Sun, but two of them were at Extro-3. For two days, the
> Doubletree San Jose was the world's leading center for Solar detonation
> research.
>What would be the benefit of blowing up the sun?

Eh? Why to obliterate Civilization As We Know It, of course.
My semi-study involves sequenced relativistic bombing across the
disk of the Sun (or enemy star) to construct a (hemi)spherical
implosion shock front. Early warning would be very brief, though
it does take time for the star to cook.


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