Extropian Lurker Gets New 'Puter!Joins the fray...

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Tue Jul 22 1997 - 10:09:51 MDT

     Hi Rudi,
     Daytona sounds nice. (I am from Tampa originally now in SF and was
     there only once). First time I was ever hit on by another guy. He
     called himself "Peaches". Brrrrr...no wonder it took me another 12
     years to decide! <G>\
     Anyway, I really appreciate your enthusiasm. It is indeed an
     extraordinary time in human existence and barring tremendous
     interference by the narrow-minded, traditional horders, we could be
     well on our way to singularity in no time!
     Speaking of psylocibin, someone told me they are not illegal in
     Florida (and since it's tropical and you have lots of COWS), they grow
     rather plentifully. Myth or fact? NOt that I'll go poking around in
     the pastures. Those brahman bulls are pretty territorial critters.

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